\[ U(c,\ell, s^{f}, s^{m}) = \int_{t=0}^{T} \mathrm{e}^{-\rho t} \left( \log(c - \bar c) + \varphi \log(\ell) - \beta^{f}\unicode{x1D7D9}_{t\le s^{f}} - \beta^{m}\unicode{x1D7D9}_{t\le s^{m}}\right) \mathrm{d}t. \]
Time constraint
Budget constraint
A competitive equilibrium is a collection of market prices \(\{p_{ir}\}_{i = A,M,S}\), wages \(\{w^{f}, w^{m}\}\), consumption and labor supply allocations \(\{c_{ir}, L^{f}_{ih}, L^{m}_{ih}, L^{f}_{ir}, L^{m}_{ir}\}_{i = A,M,S}\), leisure choices \(\{\ell^{f}, \ell^{m}\}\), years of schooling \(\{s^{f}, s^{m}\}\), and labor demand and output choices \(\{l^{f}_{ih}, l^{m}_{ih}, y_{ir}\}_{i = A,M,S}\) such that
Suppose that \(\zeta < ((1-\nu) / \rho)^{\nu-1}\). For any equilibrium allocation, the elasticity of paid hours ratio with respect to the ratio of schooling years is positive along paths for which wages are constant.
\[ \left. \frac{\partial \log \tilde M}{\partial \log \tilde s} \right|_{\tilde w} > 0 \]
Suppose that \(\zeta < ((1-\nu) / \rho)^{\nu-1}\). For any equilibrium allocation, the elasticity of paid hours ratio with respect to the ratio of schooling years is positive along paths for which wages are constant.
\[ \left. \frac{\partial \log \tilde M}{\partial \log \tilde s} \right|_{\tilde w} > 0 \]
Suppose that \(\zeta < ((1-\nu) / \rho)^{\nu-1}\). For any equilibrium allocation, the elasticity of paid hours ratio with respect to the ratio of schooling years is positive along paths for which wages are constant.
\[ \left. \frac{\partial \log \tilde M}{\partial \log \tilde s} \right|_{\tilde w} > 0 \]
\[ \frac{L^{f}_{ih}}{L^{m}_{ih}} = \left(\frac{\xi^{f}_{ir}}{\xi^{m}_{ir}}\right)^{\eta} \left(\frac{\xi^{f}_{ir}d(s^{f})H(s^{f})}{\xi^{m}_{ir}d(s^{m})H(s^{m})}\right)^{-\eta} = \tilde\xi_{ih}^{\eta} \left(\tilde{w} \tilde{d} \tilde{H}\right)^{-\eta}. \]
\[ \frac{L^{f}_{ih}}{L^{m}_{ih}} = \left(\frac{\xi^{f}_{ir}}{\xi^{m}_{ir}}\right)^{\eta} \left(\frac{\xi^{f}_{ir}d(s^{f})H(s^{f})}{\xi^{m}_{ir}d(s^{m})H(s^{m})}\right)^{-\eta} = \tilde\xi_{ih}^{\eta} \left(\tilde{w} \tilde{d} \tilde{H}\right)^{-\eta}. \]